I’ve been there.

Hey, it’s me, Nina. I look forward to meeting you!

Hey, it’s me, Nina. I look forward to meeting you!

I used to be so stressed that I’d often wake up in the middle of the night with anxiety attacks. I was losing my hair, experiencing heart palpitations, developing acne, digestive issues… you name it.

I was working in the Entertainment Industry, glued to my desk for 12-14 hours a day each week — including many weekends. My nightly wine and cheese routine felt like the only thing to take the edge off.

I soon became curious about why I was feeling this way, which quickly led me on a wellness journey that took me from my career in Entertainment to the Maryland University of Integrative Health, where I earned my Master’s in Nutrition and Integrative Health. 


Why wait until you’re sick to think about health?

Today I’m much better at listening to my mind, body, and soul — but I needed the right information in order to get here. I’m a big believer in living day-to-day in a manner that keeps us healthy rather than waiting until we get sick to think about health. Our diet and lifestyle habits play a large role in how we feel… if you know what to listen for!

photo by Ricardo Moura, Unsplash.com

photo by Ricardo Moura, Unsplash.com

Humans are like fingerprints.

There is no cookie-cutter for health. No two people will need the exact same help in the exact same way. People are unique and I believe that personalized care should be, too.

Super Digestible science

My goal is twofold.

First, I want to help you listen to your body and help you understand what to do with what you hear.

Second, I want to make good, science-based information super digestible and easy to understand. I believe that since you have a human body, you should have access to the information you need to best take care of it. 

Training & Credentials

Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist (LDN)

Certified Nutrition Specialist® (CNS)

Master of Science, Maryland University of Integrative Health (MS)

University of Virginia, BA in Foreign Affairs & Theatrical Studies (BA)

ServSafe, Certified Food Protection Manager


I look forward to helping you on YOUR wellness journey.

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