

What you’re looking for…

A conduit to bring nutrition science to life in an engaging, easy-to-digest, and fun way. Nina has a background in theater and acting, so she bring a dynamic and charismatic presence to any speaking engagement. With her background as an educational tutor, she knows how to make complex topics easy-to-understand, and even easier to apply to your life. Whether you are looking for engaging social posts, digital videos, or live lectures and seminars, Nina will help you reach your audience in an impactful way.

Please see the Blog section and Youtube for speaking samples.

Nina’s perspective

  • Science-based (always cites high-quality sources)

  • Weight-inclusive

  • Gut health is foundational to overall wellbeing

  • Food as information (building blocks for the body)

  • Emphasis on personalized nutrition and bio-individuality

  • Meet the client where they are (nutrition therapy as collaboration)

Price: Depends on scope


Nina is currently under supervision by a Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS) while she completes the requirements for CNS certification. Note that all HIPAA protocols will be followed.

Nina is not a doctor and therefore none of her writing should be taken as professional medical advice. If you would like to work with Nina as a client, please see the Offerings page.